Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tags Tags Tags

I happened on a post in Scrapaholics Anonymous FB page
that had really lovely tags.
So I watched  Lara Rahel Crosby u-tube on it and
really enjoyed it.
So, of course, I had to make tags.
She also has a challenge going on with Rachel Tallman on
making tags with the Wild Hare Kit that they both subscribe to.
Anyway I watched both and the really cool thing 
while they both subscribe to the Wild Hare - they receive
different items in their kits based on YOUR style profile.

Well ain't that interesting.
Some stuff is the same, but based on your profile
you may have different stuff in your kit.
Genius actually.
Now I need to figure out how I can sign up
AND GET THEM on the road.
Also, they also don't require a monthly subscription.

I was also inspired by how they just tossed everything on.
No overthinking, no pondering, no agonizing and all their tags
were really really cool.
So that's what I did.
Very freeing.

Anyhow, check out their u-tube channels.

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