Friday, June 7, 2019

Scenes from the Cascade Scenic Highway

After the eagle/vulture encounter we tooled down a side road.
While we were waiting for a car to pass, I
really liked the flowers and the wood thing going on.
 At the end of this dirt road was a campground
surrounded by lava rocks.
Lots and lots of lava rocks.
 The lava goes on for literally miles.
 And then unbeknownst to us, we were climbing
and we came around the bend and 
Snow crusted trees on a  mountain at 6,000 feet more or less. 
The temp also dropped from 60-30 like that.
It looked soooo pretty.
 There are 12 lakes around this drive.
Some you had to really look for.
 Of course, we're all excited about snow on the ground, it started snowing.
 Snowflakes on my lens.
 A curvy road to show all the snow that still hanging around.
 More eagles
We ended up in Bend, Oregon, and went to the Mill that
we were told is a must.
Stores, lots of stores, we went into REI (sells recreational
equipment) and I never
heard of them so we had to look after all we re-cre-ate.
And had coffee.


Connie Mercer said...

love the travel picture~ the lava rock is amazing!!

Holli said...

omg!!!!!! the lava rock!!!! and then here it is june and still have snow so pretty!