Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tis a beautiful day in the hood

and I'm feeling muuuch better!
About time.
My scrappy desk is flirting with me.
I may be able to actually DO something.
Have all the challenges from the first at Moments
 written in my hot little notebook.
THANKS for the wonderful support of my hub.
You guys are the best!


Connie Mercer said...

so glad you are~not fun being sick. The photo is wonderful, you do have an eye for these things!!!

momto8 said...

what a very cool picture...has emotion!!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
Happy Wednesday!

Lisa Rukin Swift said...

So glad you're feeling better, Lynn! Up and at 'em. Time to get scrapping. :)

ellen s. said...

glad you are feeling better. it's is so nice out here today..i think the sun gives me mojo lol

Linda Beeson said...

I know that feeling, hope you can create soon

nfaband said...

Love that photo Lynn, sure wish I had a good photographers eye like you.