Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The ravages of time.....

I have watched this house erode, decay and generally fall apart over the past 13 years. Its totallya cool look with the color, the texture, the rusticness (I love rustic), but is so sad in a way.

I love shotgun shacks and this one is located near a field that at one time harvested produce. While it felt abandoned and forlorn, not to mention haunted with the trees, it is now so stark. Road work was being done.

Evidently, the trees had to go.

Its also evident I learned how to take better pictures.

go me. :)


Lisa Dorsey said...

That is a very cool picture, I agree. Captures the lonliness perfectly.

Connie Mercer said...

that is way cool lynn!!

Marlene said...

Fantastic photography. I love these kinds of photos. One of those "thousand words" things. ;)

nfaband said...

I love, love, love old abandoned homes ... I always want to stop and go in, but my hubs thinks I'm crazy and keeps on driving. I used to capture pics whenever I could and scrap them too ... may have to borrow the title of this post for a page title ... it's glorious. Love this one Lynn!