Monday, July 15, 2019

Travelers notebook - Whale of a time

I used the canon printer feature and printed all 4
photos on a 4x6 and I like doing that
as it saves space and if I get it right I can tell a story.

Did a bit on each photo using punches and
die cuts.

We had a great time and saw lots of
blows, rolls and flippers.
We were in that little raft boat that was so
much fun to glide over the water.
Told hubby we needed to get one of those.
 And we took a trip to see the Astoria Column
and while I did get pictures of it
I also got literature about and it fits
rather neatly in my traveler's notebook
So I made an executive decision that I don't need
to print a photo and make an actual page
if I have literature and I can find a place to journal
if I need to. 
I like being flexible like this.

1 comment:

Holli said...

great idea! with the literature! i could watch them all day