Friday, July 12, 2019

Mixed Media page - Greats

This is my album where I do what I want
no rhyme no reason.
Anyway, I was playing around because I had
run out of mojo and started fussy cutting
things out because I needed something to do.
So this is a photo of my great grandmother and great uncle.
It's printed on regular printer paper, actually scanned - I think.
I did a bunch of them because one of the creative
geniuses that I follow Suzanne Rose (I think) had the
idea of doing B&W's of your heritage or any photo actually,
on regular paper so it can incorporated into
a junk journal - use your relatives instead of someone else's.
So I did.
I thought the fussy cut flower and bee and the photo
just went together.
The orange paper with holes is a TH die cut. 
I'm not really sure what to do with it but I used both
negative and positive space.
Laid down some water colors and wa-la.

1 comment:

Holli said...

beautifully done i love how you used the negative and postive space of the paper gave it great dimension