Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Goldwell open air museum

What a cool find on our way to see the ghost town
of Rhyolite on our way to Death Valley.
It was a busy day.
 Interesting pieces.
 Tried to get the prayer/meditation circle in.
All those rocks were placed very precisely.
And look way back in the background and just take a guess.
 It is this artist's rendition of the Last Supper.
 And Jesus in the garden.
 This appears to be a maidenhead from a ship.
But it seriously ties the entire vignette together.
 These are puppets from the Speeltheater Holland Studio and 
these puppets are out in the weather on purpose to show the process of decay.
They encourage selfies with the puppets and what the photos
sent to them to use in their final installation.
 In honor of the miners.
Very cool.
Such a beautiful area.
The mountains ever steady ever changing.

1 comment:

Holli said...

this is sooo cool can't wait to see what you do with these photos in your travelers book