Friday, May 17, 2019

Meteor Crater - WOW!

 How cute is this little guy that greets you on the way in.
How cool is this shot.
 I wanted the capsule and concentrated on that and
check out that view. 
The framed view.
 You walk outside and there is a ginormous hole in the ground,
that I couldn't get in one shot.
Working on a panoramic photo as soon as I
figure it out I'll let you know.
It's amazing.
If you look WAY down there, there is stuff that
you can only see through high powered 
scopes they have set up around the crater.
They say if the Washington Monument was set up
on the bottom of the crater we would be looking
at the top of the monument.
 A chunk weighting several thousands tons flung itself through
space at about 26,000 per hour collided with earth
exploding with a force greater that 20 million tons of TNT.
Can't even.
Because my lens wasn't able to catch the entire
crater in real life, there is the shot.

1 comment:

Holli said...

holy moly that is cool!!!!