Sunday, November 21, 2010

New camera - my dh rocks.......................

So yesterday, DH gave me an early Christmas present. A Canon Rebel T2i. OMG! *swooning*
It is awesome. So we went to see the sand sculptors on the beach. And I played with the settings. And played. And really played. The fun was neverending.

The sand sculptures were amazing.
The first one is the grinch that stole Thanksgiving. It was a hoot. The detail is phenomenal. Truly.

This lady was huge, and her eyes, very eerie.

These are famous sculptures from all over the world.

I took about 200 pix. Low for me, but I turned on RAW (never did that before) and jpeg. Takes up a lot of space.

I went semi-manual. Gasp,faint,thud. I KNOW! Had mixed results which is okay = because it was all about the playing. And I played.

One problem I had was when I flipped it off and on. My fingernail hit the wheel and moved it from AV to M. Good thing I looked at LCD. Because whoa!!! Time to regroup. lol!!!!

This gent is detailing an outhouse. I hate outhouses. Really. eeeuuuu!!! However, this is soooooo cool. Ther eis a dragon hugging the castle. Again, the detail is awesome.

Take note HOW FAR the outhouse is from the castle. You'll be doing a lot of stepping down the staircase, unless you decide to just roll down the side, with hopefully enough momentum to fling yourself up the otherside. Just saying..........


Christa said...

Have fun with your new toy/camera!!! What a great gift!
And I love sand sculptures too. It's amazing what some people can do with some sand, a little water and a sculpting tool!

Connie Mercer said...

awesome!! enjoy the camera!!!

ellen s. said...

oh these got so GREAT! you must have been a good girl this year ;)

Marcie said...

Great photos & how great about the new camera! I'm hoping for one at tax time.

Lisa Dorsey said...

Great gift and fabulous pictures!!!

byondbzr said...

Congrats on the new "baby", enjoy it!

Renee Lamb said...

ooh - girl I am jealous! enjoy that new toy of yours!! I'm still wishing and begging for an upgraded model of my rebel...alas..>I think I will be for a loooong time. *sigh*

Love the sand sculptures! the detail and creativity and TIME that goes into those are just incredible....but did you ever get the urge to just go crash it? bwahahahahahaha

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Oh wow! Your pictures are amazing! I adore looking at how folks can make such awesome creations from sand and water. :) Your DH is pretty awesome to give you this present early so you could get to play with it now. :)

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

congrats on the camera and those sculptures are amazing!

Pamela said...

Wow, those sand sculptures are awesome! Great pictures! :). Have fun with the new camera.

Mrs. Boom said...

WTG Hubby!!! Congrats on your new camera. Great pics :-)

Linda Beeson said...

Ekk, wow! I so would have wanted to be there with you for those cuties. YEAH on the camera too and you will end up playing forever on settings. I find one works one time and not another so I change all of the time and experiment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks For blog with valuable informations.

nfaband said...

What a fun day, those sculptures are awesome, I've never seen anything like that up close and personal. Oh and what a great guy you've got there, I'd say he's most likely a keeper. LOL