Tuesday, August 28, 2018

TN - Meeting up with the Grandkids

We've been meeting up with them one-by-one 
and of course having a great time
and taking pix.
Hung out with Amelia and the boys after football
was called off - we went and had ice cream.
It was delicious and fun.
 I'm also passing off albums that I've done of
all of them and they all took great delight in looking at them.
Although they don't seem to be delighted here LOL.
 Love her face and that ice cream cone.
I'm getting the hang of things now! woohoo!
Pink Fresh, Hip Kit, Studio Calico
more or less.


Connie Mercer said...

Glad you are getting to see them and giving them the albums you have made with love :)

Lynne Goebeler said...

What fun! Glad they are enjoying your albums!