Monday, April 26, 2010


Yes I am. I'm a sucker for impish grins, my husband has one, my kid's used their's unabashedly, and grandbabies. OHMYJUSTSTICKAFORKINMEI'MDONE. Really, seriously. I'm a sucker. I can be bought. I can be charmed. I can be imp'd (my version of punked). So there. Below is my grandson, a total image of my firstborn. I'm talking dejavu which I will do a layout on that one day. Can he be any cuter. Can he be more charming. Can he just take me back in time.

Look at that grin. With a lollypop. Can you imagine the hair one that sucker??? because. really a bribe.....
is a bribe. and trust me. I totally did bribes. lmao....................................Now where is my DH w/the impish grin when I need him....


Lydia said...

Adorable, Love the paper size too!

Pamela said...

He is a cutie! :) Fab work!

Marlene said...

He is a cutie!

Tracey Taylor said...

This is just adorable!

Anonymous said...

love the LO mom keep em coming