Friday, August 1, 2008

The baby shower tour.......

was wild. I flew up to NJ on Thursday and hit the first shower on Friday. My beautiful step-daughter had a gorgeous shower. I took the train. Yes. THE TRAIN. From Metuchen to Penn Station, then to Syracuse. I met the most fantastic, helpful people along the way, because seriously I'm such a chicken venturing out on my own. But I asked, and they answered. And I arrived. How cool is that. The second shower was my pretty daughter in law. She has such a wonderful smile. Her shower was so sweet and lovely. I enjoyed every minute with both of them. Since they both chose the same theme for their baby's room. It sort of made it easy for me. They both got baby albums (homemade naturally) and crocheted blankets. I believe we can figure who got the major trouble shirt. smirk. What goes around comes around baby boy. (I told you I was on a creative tear). In searching all the hope chests in my house(I was on a nostalgic bent and inspiration hit), I found the blanket my mom (my son's memaw) cross stitched for him (while I was in labor) sigh. I hope my son and his wife use it and remember her, always. She was a really cool woman who always stood by me. NO matter what stupid things I did. And trust me, I was at times, the queen of stupid. (Hard to believe I know). snort.
I cross stitched the adorable boy and peep, back in 1983, because when I saw it, it was soooo my adorable son. He was a beautiful baby. Really. (all mom's say that but its so true). lol! The little outfit was Nick's dedication and Shane's baptism. We had a bit of a mix up between denomations. I tend to switch off when the spirit moves me.
After the showers, I flew to Philadelphia. A bit off track in the baby shower tour but it was for training. OH yeah they can teach an old dog new tricks and lemme tell ya! It made me feel good and confident. So in case of an emergency I will be backfilling.
Love that. Love family. And I so love babies. Two grandbabies, Two states. ONE due date. Who rocks the delivery!!!! lol! Life is good.


nfaband said...

Lynn ... your baby shower gifts are gorgeous and so very thoughtful. I know both your daughters must have loved them. How fun to be getting 2 new grand children so close together.

Renee Lamb said...

wow Lynn...touching gifts!! I know they will cherish and treasure them - or they better at least! *wink* - and yay for you venturing solo in the big bad world of Jersey hood!!! Glad you got around safely!!