Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's a wonderful day to play in the pool!!!

Christopher started out about 9 a.m. and was napping by 2 after playing long and hard in the summer sun - which turned to liquid sunshine by then. Connor relaxing in his crab, like Owen's because the crab had a boy on the box and the turtle had a girl (my dh has a way of making this sound um....normal???). And there's Connor NOT bouncing in the bouncy car which has been renamed the poopy bouncy car. Because after 2 minutes in the car .... he pooped. Sigh. The gift that keeps on giving!!! lol!!!


Renee Lamb said...

bwahahahaha -- love it. sounds like you're enjoying the grandbabies (minus the poo) ---the pool looks like fun - I wanna come swim!

Nancywithajones said...

roflmbooooooo i soooo rem those days!

{Brooke} said...

SOOOOO glad you're enjoying them. Glad that car is getting the mileage out of it and I guess getting some other things out too, bwahahahaha!!

Claude said...

They are sooo cute!

Sandie said...

That's so funny!!! Isn't it always the way, too.

Btw... That book, Dark Hunters... Is it any good?

Pamela said...

LOL.....I do love the pics! Looks like you had fun!

Debbi Tehrani said...

Tee-hee! I always love reading your entries here, Lynn! Your grandkids are so adorable!