Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Our travels through Colorado

We did A LOT in Colorado so this is LONG with lots
of witty remarks and amazing photos.
More or less.


We camped at the Haggards Rv park which is a lovely camp
on the highway in between all the cool things.

 They also have a horse which the cleverly leave a brush
so you can brush the horse.
He has the shiniest coat ever.

 The roads twist and turn
 with amazing views.
 And the weather can turn on a dime.

The elevation at the tippy top of the peak is 14,115.
We made it to 12,943

 and a beautiful scene it was.
I was trying to get an angle - which I didn't do very well
but imagine with me - you can see the "road" where we are
and then it drops off to down there which is really out there.
So....think 12,000 feet down.
You have to be there.
We did not make it up to the 14k because we were not
doing well at 12k.
Plus you had to get on a bus for the ride to the top
and we didn't want to do that. 
So.....bucket list if you are in the area.

 I didn't know until we entered the park that it's all about rocks.
Really cool rocks.
One that looks like a Renaissance painter.


 Is long and deep and some fun stuff going on.
You can fling your body off.
You can fling your body over on a zip line.
You can walk the bridge.
And they have a train.

 Establish in 1892 as a mining town - gambling took hold.
 Sadly the Main Street was barren but cool looking.
And then we turned a corner and a big horn sheep
made his appearance.
He was soooo cool.
I have lots more photos.
Also a deer in the middle of the town over just
hanging around while we were getting coffee and snacks
at the Human Bean.
Clever eh?
Good coffee and they give you a chocolate covered coffee bean.
It's great for that alone.


Chimney Rock - it is a National Monument that closed
at 4 pm everyday.
Didn't make it but the view on the outside is amazing.
 Cousin Maureen bought a new house and it is lovely.
She houses hummingbirds - I have a bazillion pix of the little devils.
They are wild - mean too.
Very territorial.
She also has 2 horses, a cat, and a dog.
And the family.
As you can see we had a blast.
Just getting this photo was a remarkable achievement.
It took us a day to get from Pueblo to Bayfield and
now we are at the Riverside RV park - which is a beautiful camp.
It has water features everywhere, lots of blooming flowers and
a path that takes you around the back and through the park
Great for morning walks.

1 comment:

Lynne Goebeler said...

Wow, you did see and do a lot! We have been wanting to go to Chimney Rock for 3 years, but we are alwathere too early in the season and they are not open at all yet.