Saturday, March 28, 2020

Learning about pencil lines

I have been watching Susanne Rose on u-tube - she
rocks the art journals. Check her out.
In the meantime,
I purchased a stencil that was of a sun and rays.
I decided this album needed to have a cover other than the original
so I used some watercolors and painted over the gesso
and dabbed on the stencil.
Well, juicy dabbing results in lots of colors running amok.
Therefore, drastic action was required and I decided to add more
watercolors because I blending would help.
But it came out as one big blob.
Enter the pencil.
And in scribbling lines that I think a flower should look like
and shazam.
It looks pretty cool.
Now I need a 'saying', a sentiment, a title.
Any suggestions?
Nothing has spoken to me.

1 comment:

Holli said...

I absolutely love this page... think think think... yup I got nothing for a title... hmmmmmm