Monday, June 15, 2020

A few photos from Arches National Park

We were there a couple of years ago but it was a quick trip.
It's soooo amazing and beautiful we wanted to go back.
And we did.
 It's still beautiful and amazing.
And open, however, we were unable to get one of those snappy brochures
which is a bummer.
 Because the rocks have names.
Like Park Avenue, Courthouse, etc.
 The skies changed dramatically as the day wore on.
 A bird hanging around.
 We did miss the Devil's garden and not sure if we'll make it back.
How cool is that arch.
Lots of trails to walk and the arches and some rocks are available
 to walk up to and hang around.
Highly recommend.
All the national parks rock.


Lynne Goebeler said...

Gorgeous! I love Arches

Holli said...

amazing how nature just can be the great designers of the world. pics are amazing