Thursday, June 20, 2024

Just add a bit of sparkle and shine

I made this card awhile while playing
with a new (to me) TH Die that as you can see
was a mighty fine price.
I also have to admit this layered dies completely
baffle me.
Jigsaw puzzles are not my thing.
I did love it.
But then, boredom set in.
and wa-la
Sticles and Nuvo to the rescue.
The background is a Sissix die.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Beautiful scenes rolling down I90 in South Dakota

This adorable chapel is in one of the rest areas
on I90 near White Lake, SD.
(Actually there's one on the Eastbound side)

Dignity of Earth and Sky  is a beautiful, stunning statue
off I90 in Chamberlain rest area.

The Chamberlain bridge over the Missouri River.

I adore old structures.

No matter what shape they're in.


Who doesn't love a wooden structure.

These signs ran down I90 and each
had a different fire truck parked by them.
We have not yet gone to the Brewing Co.

And this is just beautiful.
Can you imagine living there?

It's a tad too cold for me.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Scenes around Yankton SD

Gavins Point Dam 
is beautiful with a dramatic sky.
Fisherman out there and the fish were jumping like crazy.
Too fast for me.
A pelican skimming the water.
Of course I have more than one picture but
they are soooo cool.

Evenidently no female around to show off for
and its mating season.

Old Schoolhouse I can find any
google stuff on it sadly.

Meridian Highway Bridge is the new bridge.

Meridian Bridge is the old bridge.
Double decker bridge.

Yankton Territorial Capital
beautiful grounds that can be rented.

Old Microwave Tower
It is kinda cool and scifi.

Mount Marty Church
That spire can be seen from everywhere.

Gavins Dam (the other side)
Had some dramatic skies and the return trip.

Beautiful landmarks around the town.
And what history. 


Another flower page

I love how this turned out. 
I did a few things on the background, 
Small back dots.
Bigger white dots.
I was also going to fussy cut the flower like I did
on this page, however, I really
like the background in the picture sooo....
It must be kept.
Had that little gnome painted already and
it had purple in it.
A simple sentiment completed it 
How about that bee.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

With brave wings she flies....

Made this page last night. 
The tree branch is from Oliver (the owl TH die cut) 
An old sissix die bird cage and bird and the flower is from a picture I took -
printed it twice and fussy cut it out and popped up the layers. There
were printed 2 different sizes a 4x6 and 3x4 which  
makes the layers look cooler.
No clue about the pretty dots - 
but they came from Treasured Memories S/B shop. 
And the background are oxides smooshed about.

Love how it turned out.