Friday, July 3, 2020


We were rolling down the gravel road a one-lane road pretending to be a two-lane road until another car rolls by and you’re pulling over to the side of the road where the road is hanging by a thread on the mountain, that has death defying drop-offs waiting for said car to pass and you can breathe again because it was a really close call.

By I digress. On this one line road happened to be open range where cows rule. 
We stumbled across this mob but it was really more one-at-a-time.

The #4209 cow front and center as in my viewfinder as we rolled to a stop right in front of ole #4209. And then to my immense amusement ONE COW at-a-time came up next to the front cow (like in a row comic kind of thing) and from the second to the third to the forth.

It really was an Abbott and Costello type of thing. Sadly neither me nor my auto focus could get it together  so you may experience some neurons mis-aligning.
Welcome to my world.
But this shoot was SO.MUCH.FUN.
By the way it happened.
I just wish I was an amazing photographer that captured the sequence. 
But their response blew my away and I was in the moment. 
Enjoying this adorable, funny moment.
And now I”m sharing with you.
The gang of four.
Mama rules. 


Susanne said...

4209 is obviously thinking "You know we have the right-of-way, right?" Fun story, great snapshot.

Holli said...

4209 is really saying .. here we again another human who has never seen a cow before, as the others come up LOL