Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Alcohol inks, oxides and dyes oh my

 Alcohol inks are fun and bright and beautiful.
I want this to be a cover for a new album - 7x10 so
I glued 2 thin pieces of chipboard together,
gessoed it and wa-la.
I was too cheap to be the blower tool so I 
improvised with a baby snot remover.
It was tedious and cumbersome so I may spring for the tool,
but it got the job done.

Then.....I didn't remember I had alcohol blending solution
so I used rubbing alcohol which is great too
and I also forgot I needed to seal it and was checking in with
my pal and found I also had distress collage medium.
Obviously, at some point some of the instruction from Tim's
classes actually sunk in. 
Love it.

I seriously don't know where to go from here so I'll be
lurking around the videos.

 While I was making that page I decided to mess with this page
because there's always room for one more.
I used the oxide sprays.
Assorted stencils and stamps.
The "adventure" was original tan and I fussy cut it from
and old PL card and it looked dumb so
I used a black ink pen and colored it in.
Lots better.
Also I used some stamps that I did on watercolor paper that didn't turn out well.
However, once you ink them babies up they look rather worn and cool.

The alcohol inks are raspberry, pebble, clover, butterscotch 💓
wild plum and stream.
In case you care.
Here's the water color page that I stamped on using
the stamper board and not having even mediocre results.
I was not amused until I figured out that water color
paper has a lot of texture to it.
For some reason I decided not to toss it and used some 
oxides just to play.
Well it doesn't look half bad for the grunge look.

The sprays were mermaid lagune,pickled raspberry, mustard seed
abandoned coral, wild honey, carved pumpkin, peacock feathers, 
fired brick and cracked pistachio
Just a bit of fussy cutting and embellishments for a page.
Not sure where I'm going with this so I'll have to
keep you posted. 
I know this surprises you.

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