Thursday, February 4, 2021

Play date with Holli

Was so much fun and we timed it for the great
TH unveiling of his new ink color
Kitsch Flamingo.
A really, really neat pink that needs to be in
my collection.
Her scrappy room is amazing and I love "shopping" there.
We worked in some selfies because why not.

Where in awe of what the makers make.
They are soooo creative it blows me away.
We were actually at this point binge watching all his videos.

As we watched, we shared die cuts, embossing folders
I bought the coolest "doily" die cut
as you can see below - and used nuvo shimmer powders
which made the doily sooooo dainty.
TH flower in abandoned papers totally rock it.
You'll be seeing them on a page or card soon.
I also love that she gifted me an Arther AND those
windows were fun to put together.
There's more playful fun as I add color to
those embossed tags.
Oh the fun to see them come to life.


1 comment:

Holli said...

omg! so much fun that day can't wait to do it again and again and again!!!