Tuesday, May 12, 2020

TN - New pages in the album

I've been lazy, lackadaisial, and laidback.
My bad. 
In the meantime.
I love where this traveler's notebook is going. 
The different sizes, papers and style.
Got some TH going on here - been crushing on his stuff
since I spent a couple hundred hours watching
his videos.
The tag is a heritage pix from back in the day.
Makes me swoon.
 The blue tag the back of the tag for the one above
with the journalin. Not too much
because I have scrapped that photo before, but
I find it fun using my heritage pix rather than Tim's paperdolls.
I can just seen my family losing their minds
trying to figure who in the family that paperdoll might be.
On second thought it could be FUN.
That PL card is an old Studio Calico that came in the 
kits, and the bird is cleverly covering up the year 2016.
I believe I'm whining about COVID-19 on the back.
I am whining on the back of the PL card.
Everyone is whining LOL.
Anywhoo, using an envelop to scrap about roasting,
watching tv and having a cup - outside.
Back of the envelope had to have something on it.
 I love envelopes.
And another PL card from Studio Calico with another
clever cover up for the year.
 The PL card needed a back so there that is,
and playing cribbage with dad.
Not a lot of journaling because I yacked about it 
in a lot of other places.
Using up lots of stash and odds and ends.
Love it.

1 comment:

Holli said...

loving these pages,,,