Monday, September 7, 2020

Traveler's Notebook - Bags and tags

I adore both tags and bags and they're sooo much fun 
to embellish.
Bags are fun to tuck tags in when one is
especially windy in one's journaling OR maybe
it doesn't need to be out there for all to see.
For no particular reason the embellishments are just
a fun addition.
 And tags. 
Just out there having fun and I like to do them
for no particular reason as well and while
a couple of them are "heritage" I love the
addition - I feel they're kind of like a "pause."
Above happens to be my cousins Al and Joanne 
when they were kidlets about a billion years ago and
same for below of me and my brother.

We took a couple of road trips to Florida when we
were kids and this photo was taken 
on our trip to Six Gun Territory - which was
a lot of fun going back to the wild west.
Tim Holtz stuff.
I try to use my heritage photos whenever possible.
Not that I don't love TH cutouts but
no point in driving the family any more crazy
trying to figure out who those people are in the family.

PS I just noticed I used that saying twice.
 It's a good
 'my bad' ....oops.

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