Sunday, May 5, 2019

Valley of Fire State Park

Absolutely stunning vistas.
You come around the bend and there are the
red rocks. 
Massive and red.
 These are called "beehives."
The striations are insane.
 And then scoping out the campsites there
(which are really cool BTW)
This little mama popped up right out of the corner of my eye.
Does it get any better than that.
A big horn sheep, that when I said "look at me"
through the open window.
She did.
And posed.
I picked my favs because there are 24397520492 more.
She's strolling through the camp like a boss.
 One can actually climb these rocks if one
were so inclined.
But the vistas. 
Oh wow.
There was some kind of mist, haze, dirt?
so the mountain in the distance is hazy, but it is
so cool to see the layers and layers of
mountain ranges.
 Then there are the white domes scattered about
to keep things interesting.
The swirls of color are just everywhere
and vibrant.
 Wonderful park - go see! for sure.
Lots of hiking available too that we did not do because 
A. we didn't have the right shoes and 
B. it was 90 degrees.
C. See above.

1 comment:

Holli said...

Beautiful photos I love the red rock soooo coool