Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Ironclad - USS Cairo

The USS Cairo (pronounced Kayrow) was one of 7 ironclads
built during the Civil War and sunk in the Yazoo River.
 In 1962 they raised the boat in 3 sections and brought
up out of the river and restored.
Because of the silt, sand and mud a lot of artifacts
where preserved and are in the museum next to the gunboat.
And there are A LOT of amazing artifacts.

 It is huge and amazing.
It was originally outfitted with 13 cannons.
 Below is what it looked like in real life.
If you're ever in Vicksburg, this museum
is one you really need to put on your list to see.


Holli said...

Simply amazing

Connie Mercer said...

So interesting- love your travel photos!

Lynne Goebeler said...

We missed this museum, will have to get back there one day...