Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A title that doubles as journaling

As you know I have trouble with titles.
Not only thinking them up for a page but I really tend to like them
short, sweet to the point.
However, there are times when a longer one can't be helped.
 I did some mixing using 
 Studio Calico and Paper Issues Swag bag with Shimelle's line
to make this lovely page.
All of those elements work and play together nicely.
Two fun little clusters going on - and I can never get enough
of those film strips. 
Actually 3 clusters - a tiny one to the left.
 Mixed up the sizes in the alphas from Studio Calico
as the amount of popular letters are decreasing
dramatically however, if flows together nicely for my (what I consider)
long title.
 The cute little grey strips from the swag bag are perfect
and how about those homemade enamel dots.
I am running out of certain colors - believe it or not.
I don't know if I'll bake more or not.
I love the variety - but next time I think I'll do colors separately.
The title says it all - LOL!!! and seriously in Florida
we don't think about not having ice cream in the "winter" so its
a really big deal when up north the ice cream shops
finally open for the summer and just in time
for lil miss's birthday.
I used the title to double as the journaling because how
much can you say about eating ice cream 
dressed like nanook of the north in the "spring" in NH.
And its using up a lot of alphas in my stash.


Connie Mercer said...

Looks great and love how you added the longer title!!! Cute picture:)

Lisa Rukin Swift said...

Adorable photo! Love the title work and the clusters too. :)